Never in our Country’s history have we needed active and energized Democrats more than now. Democrats are stepping up to champion progressive and fiscally responsible government. Whether in a town, village or city government or New York State or the nation, Democratic leadership is leadership for all people, not just a wealthy few.
America’s democracy and the rule of law are under siege from Republicans who want to suppress citizens’ right to vote, who want to suppress a free press, who want to take away workers’ rights to organize, and who want to destroy the social safety net for the vulnerable members of our society.
Democratic values are different than Republican values. Democrats believe in responsible government that works for its citizens. We are not out to disparage or destroy the government. Democratic leaders seek to represent all of their constituents: not just the top one percent. Democratic leaders welcome a diverse and inclusive community: not demonize those of a different skin color, of a different religion or a different national origin. Democratic leaders are fiscally responsible: not trillion-dollar borrowers to enrich the already rich. Democrats seek to protect the environment of our planet earth: not deny the reality of climate change or its cause.
Good government happens when people step up, become involved, and take on leadership roles in their communities.
I encourage you to become active in your Amherst Democratic Committee to help improve your community. Help select the next set of leaders. Most of all, VOTE in every election – Village, Town, School Board, County, State and Federal Elections.
Michele M. Iannello
Democratic Town Chair